When you are surfing the web on your smartphone and stumble up on a phone number you want to call, the process is simple – just click on the link and then press the call button. It´s not that simple with desktops but a new Chrome feature could save you time and hassle having to manual input the numbers on your phone.
So far it is only available in the beta of Chrome 78. The feature comes shortly after Google introduced the ability to send tabs from device to device, as well as copy and paste content from one device to the other and vice versa.
How will the new number sharing feature work? Well, in a similar way.
When you come across a phone number in the form of a link, you will be able to click it to bring up a new “Call from your devices” menu, where you will be able to choose from which device you want to make the call. You can also right-click on any non-link phone number to bring up the same menu.
Once the number has been transferred to the device it will be enough to tap once to make the call.
This feature should be on by default, but it can also be turned on manually if you open the chrome://flags/#click-to-call-context-menu-selected-text and change the status of Enable click to call feature on desktop when a phone number is selected.
As it is still in the testing phase, it is unknown how the new feature will really work once it is launched by Google. But for now, it appears to be supported by Android devices, editions 9 and 10, and the mobile version of the Chrome 77 web browser, according to Tech Radar.